How to Raise Your Standards

May 14, 2022


Be honest... are your standards as high as you'd like them to be? What if I told you that raising your standards can instantly change your life, does that sound too good to be true? Ultimately, it is too good to be true when we focus on external measures to create higher standards. Instead, when you understand that the solution comes through internal actions, you will see the possibility of changing your life instantly. In this article, I'll discuss the following topics to help you better understand how to change your identity by raising your standards.

  • Your Standards as a Thermostat
  • Strategy #1: Understand Your Purpose
  • Strategy #2: Increase Your Awareness
  • Strategy #3: Make a Self-Commitment 
  • Strategy #4: Association

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Your Standards as a Thermostat: 

 Our standards create the identity that we subconsciously or consciously believe about ourselves. This identity comes with a perceived level of standards and, just like a thermostat, will always have a set point unless told otherwise. No matter the external environment, thermostats always control our internal environment. If it gets colder than our set point, the heat turns on. If it gets warmer than our set point, then the AC turns on. Well, the human body is no different. The set point in the human body is our comfortable setting and the current standards we have created for ourselves. When life throws either negative or positive external factors, we will respond necessarily to bring ourselves back to our set point. If we consider 100° being our true potential and end goal, then let's consider two different scenarios that we can encounter to understand this thermostat analogy better.

Thermostat Scenario #1: 80° (current standards) --> Cold Air Enters (external stimulus) --> 75° (unfamiliar) --> Heat Kicks On (increase effort) --> 80° (comfortable state)

Thermostat Scenario #2: 80° (current standards) --> Hot Air Enters (external stimulus) --> 85° (unfamiliar) --> AC Kicks On (decrease effort) --> 80° (comfortable state)

Nest Learning Thermostat - 2nd Generation -

Following this pattern keeps us in our comfort zones and yields any possible growth. So let's break down each scenario to create the necessary changes.

Scenario #1: In this example, your current standards are at 80°. The cold air represents a negative stimulus such as not achieving results in the gym, poor performance at work, a declining relationship, etc. Your internal thermostat recognizes this, and you begin to increase your effort, focus, and motivation as you sense the declining uneasiness. Once you're back at your 80°, you then decrease the surging effort levels and remain in your comfortable 80°.

Scenario #2: In this example, your current standards are 80°. The hot air represents a positive stimulus such as increased gym results, improved work performance, better relationships, etc. Your internal thermostat recognizes this momentum but quickly realizes the discomfort it takes to require it. So, you decrease the amount of effort, focus, and motivation as you sense the unfamiliar growth terrain. Once you're back at your 80°, you feel comfortable and bring back your normal effort levels to maintain your 80°.

Both scenarios have a common problem — discomfort. The discomfort always brings you back to your set point, no matter the external stimulus. You must learn to manage your internal thermostat to learn how to lean into the discomfort that external factors can create. Here are four ways to manage your internal thermostat to raise your standards.

Strategy #1: Understand Your Purpose

If you don't know your purpose and intent, you're not clear. As your thermostat rises, the level will always be subconsciously dropped by fear of the unknown. When the uncomfortable feeling of higher standards is not backed by purpose or intent, we never stand a chance to maintain this new identity.

What's Your Purpose - Your Raison D'Etre? | Carole Kanchier on

However, when you're clear about where you want to go and how you'll get there, you'll "magically" find the required motivation, effort, and strategies to raise your standards to the necessary means to achieve your goals. The uneasy feelings experience during the climb of our thermostats is sustained and justified by our purpose. Once you have this recipe, you'll be able to continue your growth towards your true potential.

Strategy #2: Increase Your Awareness

 This sounds simple — but you can't change something if you're not aware of it in the first place. This means we need to increase awareness of where our current thermostat is and when it's lower or higher.

Let's say you're at 80° and you begin working out at the level of a 90° — how does your body respond? Typically, there is an initial panic response from the unfamiliarity of muscles burning, high heart rates, and extreme fatigue. So, the brain cuts it off and brings us down to our familiar 80°. But are you aware that's happening? If you're not, we are always caught by our "internal AC" kicking in to bring us back to our lower standards. But, conversely, when you learn to lean into the discomfort through awareness, you begin to recognize the usual response of how to raise your standards.

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Strategy #3: Make a Self-Commitment 

What happens when you sign up for a 30-day fitness challenge? You shock your system and follow every detail of the challenge while beginning to make sacrifices that you didn't know were possible.Whether you realized it or not, the challenge brought your 80° standards to a 90°. However, most people allow them to drop right back down to their familiar place when they finish the challenge. If you lack purpose and awareness, then why would you ever stay there in the first place?

Instead, I encourage you to make it uncomfortable to drop back down to your old state. While following the challenge, you've begun to create a new comfort level by climbing through the discomfort. Make this your new norm; learn how to live at that 90° and what it takes to keep climbing.

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Strategy #4: Understand Your Associations

You'll need to increase your awareness of those you spend your time with. Who are the people around you? Are they 60° that are either consciously or subconsciously lowering your standards? Now, I know what you're thinking — do I need to cut ties with my best friends? In some cases, yes, you need to remove the stimulus that lowers your standards and negatively impacts your life. However, if this isn't possible, you don't have to remove this individual from your life if you begin to be very intentional with the time you have together.

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First off, recognize that everyone doesn't have the same goals, so it doesn't make the 60° a bad person or wrong. Second, you can still find time to be with that person when you have the proper awareness. For example, if this 60° is your workout partner, but you don't want to ruin your friendship, then understand your intent when you're together. Instead of working out together the entire time, maybe you support them for their workouts and continue your workouts afterward. If you have to end the workouts together, then put in the extra effort to be with them at different times of the day to show them that you still care and respect the friendship. This option allows you to keep these individuals in your life and appreciate the standards and goals you're looking to achieve.


Be aware when your internal thermostat is heating and cooling. This effect occurs when there's discomfort searching for a comfortable set point. Instead, always lean on the discomfort to see how high you can raise your standards to find your true potential.

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